Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wai two Aye!!...Happpy Birthday!! :D

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

He stormed the blogger world with a 3 letter name,

Thought he was cool , attaining all the fame,

Who the hell is Y2A, we wondered,

Why does he hide his identity, we pondered,

Is he a he? At least, we were sure about that ;)

Why does he hide his pics? Is he fat?

Slowly, Y2A opened his shell,

Hi! I'm Abhinav Bhatt, thus, he pinged our gtalk bells,

Peter thought he was the man,

Nidzzi thought....well, of everybody she's a fan ;)

Harshita thought he was a geek,

Mads thought he was a show off and a freak.

Little did we know what fate had in store,

Best buddies of Abhinav, became us 4,

Battled with bloggers, fought for one another,

Though we ain't any sister and brother,

A bond ties us tight, no question of drifting apart,

We chat, we laugh, we cry, we fart.

Happiest Birthday to Y2A turned Abhinav Bhatt !! Have a great day ahead...Wishing you all the love and luck for the future :) :D